LAHORE: Imran Khan has once again emerged winner against Khawaja Saad Rafique after recounting in NA-131.
Saad Rafique has contested the results and requested the recounting of votes, including the votes which were cancelled at the polling station where he lost. The returning officer, Akhtar Bhangu accepted the request, following which 242 ballot boxes were reopened. Imran Khan remained in the lead with 50 more votes while Saad Rafique’s vote bank increased by 70 votes but regardless, his runner up status did not change.
Before, the results of the recounting were announced, Rafique submitted another request for the recounting of votes in the entire constituency, which the Election Commission denied. According to Saad Rafique, however, he had submitted the aforementioned request on 26th July 4 PM.
Rafique also said that in the 2013 General Elections when he won in NA-131 with the lead of 40,000 votes, Khan deliberately made his life “unbearable”. He also asserted that since Khan pledged in his victory speech to reopen all contested constituencies, why are his lawyers creating a fuss now. He deemed this as “hypocrisy” and accused Khan of winning on a false mandate and expressed regret that such a person will become Prime Minister.
On the other hand, however, Tehreek i Insaf’s Shoaib Siddique has said that Rafique only requested the recounting of cancelled votes at one polling station and that the Election Commission can only approve one request.