Promoting the international linkages, the Department of Project and Operation Management-IBMAS and the Directorate of International Linkages at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur sent MS Supply Chain Mgt. Students Saleem and Faisel Jameel to Faculty of Logistics and Digital Supply Chain, Naresuan University Thailand.
The students went through a semester exchange programs and have been granted a fully funded scholarship from Naresuan University, Thailand. For this wonderful initiative and the provision of international exposure to the Islamia University of Bahawalpur students, under the dynamic leadership of Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob, Vice Chancellor, the Dean and Director Prof. Dr Jawad Iqbal, Director International Linkages Dr Abid Shahzad and the HoD. Dr. Muhammad Shafiq played a wonderful role to materialise this collaboration. Director International Linkages said that the Islamia University of Bahawalpur will continue its efforts of international collaboration and networking.